The SLR camera body

The heart of any photographic system tasked with many functions that need to operate seamlessly and reliably. The different areas are presented by a Canon F-1.

The timing of the shutter

is one of the most important tasks achieved by the camera, as it regulates the exposure of the film. Different speeds must be adjusted precisely in order to achieve consistency and reliability needed when working with film. Correct lubrication and precise adjustments are crucial when servicing this part of the camera.

The mirror mechanism

takes care of providing the user with a clear view through the lens as well as smoothly withdrawing the mirror and tripping the shutter when taking a photo. Dirt buildup in this area is responsible for slowing down of the mirror in cold weather. The area is not very accessible, so usually the entire camera needs to come apart in order to reach this mechanism.

Transport and advance

interconnects all mechanical functions of the camera and takes care of the film winding. It is fully engaged anytime you use the advance lever and must work flawlessly. This part of the camera's mechanism usually receives the most wear, so lubrication must be correctly targeted and a proper lubricant must be used to minimize wear.